Belgorail asked for a technical expert for ERTMS test runs. Movares participated in the Belgorail test team. The test runs had to aim to check track to train compatibility of the ERTMS onboard and Belgian STM on ERTMS L1 Lines and transitions tot lines with conventional signaling. The test runs were carried out during the night.
The activities carried out by Movares concerned: planning and preparation of tests, execution and witnessing of test runs on L4 and evaluation of test-results. The results were captured in a final report which was an important input for the certification process in the framework of the homologation of the Siemens AM08 Desiro Electrical motor unit on the Belgian network.
For test-runs like this it is not only important to have technical expertise, but also you must be able to communicate with people of different backgrounds and to be able to understand various languages.
Movares was subcontractor of Belgorail. Other involved are NMBS (train operator), Siemens (supplier) andInfrabel (infrastructure manager)